4 research outputs found

    Caracterização morfológica das brânquias de Aegla castro Schimitt, 1942 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura)

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    O presente estudo objetivou analisar e descrever a morfologia das brânquias de Aegla castro por meio de análises morfo-histológicas. Espécimes adultos foram coletados no período de Agosto de 2014 a Julho de 2015, no rio Tapera tributário do rio Pinhão, município de Pinhão-PR, (25°41'39.67"S e 51°40'13.23"O). As análises mostraram que as brânquias estão protegidas pela estrutura corporal braquistegito e albergadas em uma câmara branquias, onde dispõem-se em séries continuas e longitudinais ligadas a estruturas corpóreas como a placa epicodal e os apêndices locomotores. As brânquias são do tipo tricobrânquia, subdividindo-se em três grandes grupos as podobrânquias, artrobrânquias e pleurobrânquias com morfologias e números distintos. Quanto ao número foi observado a presença de seis pares de podobânquias, oito pares de artrobrânquias e quatro pares de pleurobrânquias em um total de 24 pares de brâquias por individuo. Pelas análises histológicas foi observado a existência de grupos celulares comuns aos três tipos branquiais, os principais grupos celulares descritos para a infraordem Anomura a qual pertecence, apresentando em seu epitélio células pavimentos, pilares, estriadas, nefrócitos e gliócitos cada tipo celular apresenta uma morfologia e função distinta no epitélio. Quanto as alterações no epitélio foi notado que em branquias anteriores a uma simetria nos epitélio distal e proximal, o que não se repete em brânquias posteriores, onde é observada uma diferenciação em espessura nos epitélio, isto está ligado ao desempenho de funções distintas e sugere especificidade tecidual onde. Onde as brânquias anteriores com epitélio simétrico desempenharia a função de trocas gasosas e as brânquias posteriores com epitélio assimétrico seria responsável pela reabsorção de íons. Com isto, conclui-se que as brânquias em A. castro estão dentro do padrão descrito para crustáceos

    Caracterização morfológica e ultramorfológica do sistema reprodutor feminino e ovos de adultas de Hedypathes betulinus (Klug, 1825) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) Morphological and ultrastructural morphology of the female reproductive system

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    A espécie Hedypathes betulinus tem larvas que formam galerias as quais afetam o sistema vascular da Ilex paraguaiensis, acarretando perdas significantes nos ervais. Os adultos permanecem nos galhos e se alimentam das partes aéreas e pólen do vegetal, podendo tornar o vegetal suscetível ao ataque de microorganismos. Após dissecção e separação, os cortes histológicos foram obtidos de ovários fixados em mistura de Bouin, desidratados, incluídos em parafina e os cortes corados em H.E. Para as análises ultraestruturais, os ovários foram fixados em solução de Karnovsky, metalizados com ouro em “sputtering” e colados em suportes de alumínio. O objetivo foi conhecer a morfologia do aparelho reprodutor feminino, de H. betulinus, visando à descrição anatômica e funcional do sistema reprodutor dessa espécie, que ocasiona perdas significativas nos ervais. O sistema reprodutor feminino de H. betulinus é composto por ovários do tipo meroístico politrófico, com células nutridoras localizadas na região anterior do ovaríolo e os ovócitos dispostos de acordo com seus estágios de desenvolvimento. Estruturalmente, os ovários são estruturas pares, localizadas dorso-ventralmente em relação ao intestino, cada um constituído por doze ovaríolos, constituído por um filamento terminal, germário e vitelário, revestidos pela túnica própria e pela bainha peritoneal. O filamento terminal, no ápice dos ovaríolos auxilia na sustentação dos ovários. O germário é constituído de células nutridoras, células foliculares e ovogônias. Os ovócitos podem ser classificados em I, II e III. O epitélio folicular mostra-se estratificado nos ovócitos I, simples com células alongadas nos ovócitos II e simples com células cúbicas nos ovócitos III. O vitelo apresenta-se na forma de grânulos com tamanho e densidade variada. O cálice de ovos é formado por epitélio simples cúbico.Abstract The species Hedypathes betulinus species have larvae that form galleries that affect the vascular system Ilex Paraguaiensis, causing significant losses in the orchard. Adults remain on the branches and feed on the aerial parts of the plant and on pollen what can make the plant susceptible to microorganisms attack. After dissection and separation, histologic sections were obtained from ovaries fixed in mix of Bouin, dehydrated, embedded in paraffin and sections stained with HE. For ultrastructural analyzes the ovaries were fixed in Karnovsky solution, metalized with gold “sputtering” and glued on aluminum brackets. The goal was to understand the morphology of the female reproductive tract, H. betulinus and to describe the anatomy and the function of the reproductive system of this species, which causes significant losses in the orchard. The female reproductive system of H. betulinus consists of ovaries of the meroistic polytrophic type, with nurse cells located in the anterior region of the ovariole and the oocytes arranged according to their developmental stages. Structurally the ovaries are paired structures located dorsoventrally in relation to the intestine, each consisting of twelve ovarioles, comprising a filament end, germarium and vitellarium, coated by their own sheath and by the peritoneal sheath. The terminal filament, at the apex of ovarioles aids in support of the ovaries. The germarium made up of nurse cells, follicular cells and oogonia. Oocytes can be classified into I, II and III. The follicular epithelium shows up in stratified oocytes I, with simple elongated cells in oocytes II and with simple cubic cells into oocytes III. The calf is presented in the form of granules of size and varied density. The cup egg is formed by simple cubic epithelium

    Screening test of Diatomaceous Earth as an alternative control method for Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius, 1794) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) eggs

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    The sugarcane borer Diatraea saccharalis is a pest that causes damage to sugarcane fields. The female lays imbricated egg masses on the leave. They cause the greatest damage as larvae, and thus, control before egg hatching is desired to prevent the development of this pest and avoid damage to the plant. Diatomaceous Earth, or diatomite, is inert dust with insecticidal properties. In this work, we aimed to test the activity of Diatomaceous Earth on viable eggs of D. saccharalis as a potential alternative control method for sugarcane borer. D. saccharalis eggs 1 day after oviposition were immersed in a Diatomaceous Earth solution (10% - w/v) for 5, 10, or 15 min and observed every 24 h for 216 h of analysis. During the first 72 h, there were no changes observed in egg morphology, which maintained an oval shape, pale yellow in color. After 96 h, chorion striations were observed in the treatments with 10 and 15 min of exposure and were not present in the chorion controls eggs. Differences between embryo's number it was observed after 96h in the 15 min treatment when compared with the untreated eggs control. Besides that, control larvae completely hatched in 192 h and the treatment with 10 min and 15 min not shown completely hatching suggesting a delay in the embryonic development of the D. saccharalis larvae. Overall, our study is the first report of the application of D. saccharalis eggs, and we believe that Diatomaceous Earth could be a potential tool for the control of Diatraea eggs, however, thorough investigations are required to elucidate the action of this powder on Diatraea and would be an alternative method to interrupt the biological cycle of the pest

    Screening test of Diatomaceous Earth as an alternative control method for Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius, 1794) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) eggs

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    The sugarcane borer Diatraea saccharalis is a pest that causes damage to sugarcane fields. The female lays imbricated egg masses on the leave. They cause the greatest damage as larvae, and thus, control before egg hatching is desired to prevent the development of this pest and avoid damage to the plant. Diatomaceous Earth, or diatomite, is inert dust with insecticidal properties. In this work, we aimed to test the activity of Diatomaceous Earth on viable eggs of D. saccharalis as a potential alternative control method for sugarcane borer. D. saccharalis eggs 1 day after oviposition were immersed in a Diatomaceous Earth solution (10% - w/v) for 5, 10, or 15 min and observed every 24 h for 216 h of analysis. During the first 72 h, there were no changes observed in egg morphology, which maintained an oval shape, pale yellow in color. After 96 h, chorion striations were observed in the treatments with 10 and 15 min of exposure and were not present in the chorion controls eggs. Differences between embryo’s number it was observed after 96h in the 15 min treatment when compared with the untreated eggs control. Besides that, control larvae completely hatched in 192 h and the treatment with 10 min and 15 min not shown completely hatching suggesting a delay in the embryonic development of the D. saccharalis larvae. Overall, our study is the first report of the application of D. saccharalis eggs, and we believe that Diatomaceous Earth could be a potential tool for the control of Diatraea eggs, however, thorough investigations are required to elucidate the action of this powder on Diatraea and would be an alternative method to interrupt the biological cycle of the pest